AI for Restaurants to Improve Marketing and Reputation Management

Learn How To Save Time and Resources Using AI to Power Your Restaurant Marketing and Reputation Management

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AI for Restaurants

The restaurant industry is constantly evolving, driven by changing guest preferences, emerging trends, and technological advancements.

In this dynamic environment, staying ahead of the competition requires innovation and adaptability. One of the most groundbreaking developments reshaping the industry today is the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

From enhancing the guest experience to optimizing operational efficiency and restaurant marketing, AI is transforming the way restaurants conduct business.

It offers smart solutions for personalizing marketing efforts, streamlining supply chain management, managing reservations, and even optimizing menus.

The integration of AI is not merely a futuristic concept, it’s a present-day reality that’s setting new standards for quality, convenience, and guest satisfaction.

This article will explore the various applications of AI in the restaurant industry, unveiling how it’s becoming an indispensable tool for growth and success.


AI for Restaurants


Understanding the Guest Experience

In the dynamic world of managing a restaurant, understanding the guest experience is paramount to success. The journey of a guest, from discovering the restaurant to savoring the last bite, encompasses a series of interactions and impressions that shape their overall guest satisfaction.

Recognizing and responding to these elements is not just about pleasing the guest, it’s about creating a lasting connection that encourages loyalty and positive word-of-mouth.

Here’s what defines the guest experience and how AI plays a vital role in analyzing and enhancing this multi-faceted aspect of the restaurant business.

Defining the Guest Experience

The guest experience is a multi-faceted concept that goes beyond mere satisfaction with food and service. It encapsulates the entire journey of a guest, from the moment they discover a restaurant to their post-dining engagement.

In a highly competitive environment, understanding and enhancing the guest experience has become pivotal for restaurant success. Defining the guest experience in the restaurant industry is a complex and evolving task.

It’s about understanding the diverse needs, expectations, and values of your guests and weaving them into every aspect of the dining journey. From the initial online interactions to the ambiance, culinary offerings, staff engagement, and post-dining relationship building, every touchpoint plays a role in shaping the guest experience.

Embracing technology and innovation, aligning with ethical values, and focusing on personalized, responsive, and behavior-triggered engagement are key strategies to elevate the guest experience. In an industry where choices abound, crafting an exceptional guest experience is not merely an option, it’s a necessity.

It’s what distinguishes a restaurant in the minds of its guests, turning satisfaction into loyalty, and dining into an experience to remember.

AI transforms the restaurant guest experience


The Role of AI in Data-Based Insights for Restaurant Guest Behavior

The integration of AI into the restaurant industry has ushered in a revolutionary shift in understanding and catering to guest behavior. By leveraging various data sources and sophisticated algorithms, AI provides restaurants with insights that were previously unattainable or required extensive manual analysis.

The role of AI in analyzing guest behavior represents a significant advancement in the restaurant industry’s ability to understand and connect with its audience.

By offering a nuanced and real-time view of preferences, behaviors, and trends, AI enables restaurants to engage with guests in a more personalized and resonant manner. However, the utilization of AI must be balanced with an awareness of ethical considerations and a commitment to responsible data usage. With proper implementation and alignment with guest values, AI’s insights into guest behavior can serve as a catalyst for creating experiences that not only satisfy but delight and inspire.

In a competitive landscape where personalization and insight are keys to success, AI’s role in analyzing guest behavior offers restaurants a powerful tool to innovate, differentiate, and thrive.

It’s a strategy that moves beyond traditional methods, paving the way for a new era of guest-centric dining experiences. AI allows restaurants to analyze guest behavior at an unprecedented level of detail.

Restaurants then create more personalized offerings, enhancing guest satisfaction.


Artificial Intelligence-Driven Marketing Strategies

Embracing the future of restaurant marketing means leveraging technology, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is at the forefront of this transformation.

AI-driven restaurant marketing strategies enable restaurants to connect with guests on a more personalized and engaging level. Through intelligent analysis and automated processes, restaurants can craft marketing efforts that resonate with individual preferences, interests, and needs.

Here we’ll explore various AI-powered approaches, from personalized marketing to social media engagement, revealing how they contribute to a seamless and tailored guest experience, all while boosting marketing efficiency and ROI.

1. Guest Segmentation through Data Analysis

In restaurant marketing, AI’s ability to segment restaurant guests based on a complex analysis of their behavior and preferences has become a game-changer.

This technology considers past interactions, purchasing history, and even social media behavior, crafting detailed profiles of different guest segments. By grouping guests with similar tastes or dining habits, restaurants can design targeted marketing campaigns that speak directly to these groups.

Over time, the AI system continuously refines these segments, evolving and adapting as guests’ preferences change, ensuring that marketing efforts remain focused and relevant.

AI for restaurant predictive analysis example

2. Ai in Restaurants – Personalized Marketing Content

Personalization has become an expected feature in modern marketing, and AI excels at creating dynamic, personalized content.

Restaurants can leverage AI to craft restaurant marketing emails, advertisements, and promotions that connect with individual guests on a deeper level. AI’s ability to understand a guest’s unique interests ensures that each piece of content feels tailored and special.

Beyond creation, AI continuously evaluates how guests respond to personalized content, adapting and optimizing future efforts to maximize engagement and conversion.

3. Dynamic Pricing and Offers for Restaurant Business’s

AI’s power to analyze various factors in real time, such as market demand, guest behavior, and current inventory, enables dynamic pricing strategies.

Restaurants can make instant price adjustments to match the ebb and flow of demand, balancing the need to attract guests with revenue targets. This approach is not just limited to everyday pricing; AI can also tailor special offers for holidays, events, or specific seasons, ensuring that prices always reflect current market conditions.

The result is a pricing strategy that feels intuitive and fair to guests while optimizing revenue for the restaurant.

4. Real-Time Recommendations and Engagement

The real-time capabilities of AI open doors for immediate engagement with guests. Intelligent chatbots and virtual assistants can answer questions, make recommendations, and even assist with reservations, all in real time.

This immediate response enhances the overall guest experience, providing assistance exactly when it’s needed. AI’s seamless integration across different digital channels also ensures that the experience feels consistent, whether a guest is engaging via a mobile app, website, or social media platform.

5. Predictive Automated Marketing Strategies

One of AI’s most intriguing capabilities is its ability to predict future trends and behaviors.

By analyzing past data and current market signals, AI can forecast what guests might want or how they might behave in the coming weeks and months. Restaurants can use these insights to plan marketing strategies proactively, aligning their efforts with future demand.

This forward-looking approach allows restaurants to stay one step ahead of the competition and ensures that they are always ready to meet their guests’ evolving needs.

6. Social Media Analysis and Engagement

Social media is a critical channel for modern restaurants, and AI offers powerful tools to maximize this platform. By monitoring and interpreting social media activity, AI provides insights into how guests perceive a restaurant and its offerings.

These insights can guide content creation, paid promotion, and even help manage a restaurant’s online reputation.

AI’s ability to quickly identify negative sentiments or trends enables a rapid response, safeguarding the restaurant’s reputation and building trust with guests.

7. Enhancing Loyalty Programs

Restaurant customer loyalty programs are a key tool for retaining guests, and AI adds a new layer of sophistication to these efforts.

By analyzing individual guest behavior, AI can tailor rewards and incentives to each person’s preferences and dining habits. This personalized approach makes loyalty programs more engaging and effective, encouraging repeat visits and building long-term connections.

The continuous analysis also allows for ongoing refinement, ensuring that loyalty strategies always reflect the current guest landscape.

8. Measuring and Improving Campaign Performance

No marketing strategy is complete without robust measurement and analysis, and AI provides the tools to assess campaigns from every angle.

By analyzing engagement, conversion rates, ROI, and other key metrics across multiple channels, AI provides a holistic view of how marketing efforts are performing. This information isn’t just for reflection.

AI’s insights guide continuous improvements, optimizing strategies, and resources to ensure that marketing efforts always align with business goals.

9. Ethical and Compliance Considerations

While AI offers immense benefits, its implementation must be handled with care, particularly regarding data privacy and ethical considerations.

Transparent communication with guests about how AI is used and how data is handled is essential to maintain trust. Compliance with all relevant regulations and a commitment to ethical practices is not just a legal necessity; it’s a vital part of building and maintaining a brand’s integrity.

In summary, AI-driven marketing strategies have brought a transformative approach to restaurant marketing. By leveraging insights into guest behavior, implementing real-time engagement, offering predictive insights, and ensuring ethical practices, AI enables restaurants to connect with their guests on an unprecedented level.

The future of restaurant marketing is here, and AI is leading the way, offering innovative strategies that set new standards for personalization, relevance, and success.


Restaurant AI creates meaningful guest experiences


AI-Powered Restaurant Reputation Management

Maintaining and enhancing the reputation of your establishment is a paramount but time-consuming task.

The challenge multiplies when managing guest feedback, understanding their sentiments, and engaging with them in a meaningful way – especially when managing multiple locations.


Bloom Intelligence has harnessed the power of AI to radically transform the way restaurants manage their reputation.

The cutting-edge features not only simplify but also elevate the entire process of restaurant reputation management, saving significant time and resources for restaurant owners and operators.

1. AI-Driven Analysis of Guest Reviews

Imagine sifting through countless reviews from different platforms and trying to understand what your guests are saying. The task is not only tedious but also often overwhelming.

Bloom’s Qualitative AI Summary of Reviews feature eliminates this hassle by efficiently analyzing and aggregating reviews from various sources.

With a clear breakdown of positive and negative sentiments, it gives you a direct line to the authentic voice of your guests. Not only does this tool highlight the strengths and weaknesses of your restaurant, but it also allows you to monitor your reputation in real time, clearly see customer sentiment, and enhance the guest experience.

You can effortlessly customize your services, resulting in satisfied guests and positive referrals, all achieved through smart AI-driven insights.

qualitative AI for restaurants example


2. Time-Saving AI-Suggested Responses

Crafting responses to guest reviews can be an art form that requires significant time and effort.

The AI-Suggested Responses feature by Bloom Intelligence replaces this effort with intelligent, personalized responses to both praises and criticisms. Simply choose the AI-generated response that suits your brand voice, edit if needed, and reply.

Over time, the system learns and aligns with your preferences, saving you a great deal of valuable time.

Restaurant AI suggested response


3. Automating Review Response

Responding to every review is essential but can eat away precious hours. With Bloom’s review response automation tool, you can create specific rules that trigger tailored responses to different types of feedback.

Whether it’s 5-star praise or constructive criticism, each guest receives a thoughtful and unique response without you spending a second on it.

This automation not only assures timely engagement but also strengthens guest relationships.

4. Rephrasing with AI-Powered Templates

Even with templates, crafting unique and engaging responses to reviews can be demanding.

Bloom’s AI-Powered Template Rephrasing tool rewrites your review response templates, ensuring clarity and consistency. Say goodbye to monotonous content and laborious editing.

This feature takes care of it all, allowing you to concentrate more on enhancing guest experiences.

AI-powered response templates

These innovations by Bloom Intelligence’s restaurant marketing platform signal a new era in restaurant marketing where AI takes center stage. They not only redefine the way you engage with guests but also streamline operations and reputation management, freeing you to focus on what truly matters – offering an exceptional dining experience.

By analyzing the voice of the guest, automating marketing, and efficiently managing reputation, Bloom makes your marketing tasks effortless, improving your reputation, attracting new guests, and bolstering your bottom line.

Personalizing and automating reputation management is no longer a choice but a necessity.

It’s time to leverage the transformative impact of AI in restaurant marketing and witness the positive effect it can bring to your business.


Enhancing the In-Restaurant Customer Experience

The in-restaurant experience is where the essence of hospitality comes to life, where guests savor the flavors and ambiance crafted specifically for them provided by restaurant managers and restaurant employees.

Enhancing this experience involves attention to detail, responsiveness, and personalization. AI technology offers groundbreaking solutions to elevate these aspects, turning ordinary dining into an extraordinary affair.

From intelligent menu recommendations to efficient table management, AI’s role extends beyond the digital realm into the very heart of the restaurant. In this section, we will discuss the innovative ways AI contributes to a memorable and satisfying in-restaurant experience, setting new standards for guest delight and engagement.

The digital transformation that AI brings to the restaurant industry doesn’t stop at marketing strategies and online engagement.

Its influence extends into the very heart of the dining experience, reshaping how guests interact with restaurants and enhancing the in-restaurant experience in meaningful and innovative ways.

1. Personalized Dining Experience

AI enables restaurants to create personalized dining experiences that start the moment a guest walks through the door.

By recognizing guests through their loyalty program, online ordering platform, or reservation system, AI can prompt servers with information about past dining preferences, allergies, or special occasions.

This information allows staff to tailor their service, make recommendations, and provide a personal touch that resonates with each guest.

2. Intelligent Menu Recommendations

With AI-driven systems, restaurants can offer intelligent menu recommendations based on a guest’s past choices or dietary preferences.

Using data-driven insights, servers can suggest dishes that align with a guest’s taste profile or even offer custom creations tailored to individual preferences.

This technology turns the menu into a dynamic and responsive tool that adds value to the dining experience and exceeding customer expectations

3. Efficient Table Management

AI today has the ability to analyze and predict guest behavior plays a critical role in table management.

By forecasting dining times and guest flow, AI-driven systems can optimize table assignments, reducing wait times, and ensuring that the dining room operates smoothly.

This efficiency translates into a more enjoyable experience for guests and a more profitable operation for the restaurant and restaurant professionals.


profitable restaurant


4. AI Phone Answering – Voice and Chatbot Assistance for Frequently Asked Questions

In restaurant operations, AI-powered voice assistants and chatbots can provide immediate answers to guest questions about the menu, daily specials, or ingredients.

These AI companions mimic human behavior and can engage guests in a conversational manner, offering assistance and insights that enhance the dining experience.

Or use AI powered voice ordering for food orders or to make reservations. By reducing human touch with AI answering you reduce human error and lost revenue potential.

5. Enhanced Payment Processes

The average restaurateur can easily streamline their operations with AI that provides secure payment processing, providing various payment options, including contactless payments through smartphones or smart tables.

This technology not only makes the payment process more efficient but also adds an extra layer of security, giving guests peace of mind.

6. Real-time Feedback and Customer Engagement

AI tools enable restaurants to collect real-time feedback during the dining experience, and automate mundane tasks.

If something is not to a guest’s liking, immediate adjustments can be made.

This real-time customer engagement turns potential negative experiences into positive ones, showing guests that their satisfaction is the restaurant’s top priority.

7. Sustainability and Waste Reduction – Inventory Management

By predicting demand and analyzing consumption patterns, AI helps restaurants minimize waste by optimizing inventory and food preparation.

This focus on sustainability resonates with environmentally conscious guests and contributes to a positive brand image.

AI’s influence within the restaurant environment extends far beyond mere novelty or convenience. It’s an essential tool for creating personalized, engaging, and efficient dining experiences that meet the expectations of modern guests.

From the moment a guest enters the restaurant to the moment they leave, AI adds value and depth to every interaction.

By integrating AI into the in-restaurant experience, businesses are positioning themselves at the forefront of innovation, crafting dining experiences that reflect the future of hospitality.

The blend of personalization, efficiency, and responsiveness that AI offers is more than a technological advancement.

It’s a new standard for guest experience, setting a benchmark that resonates with today’s discerning diners.


diners at a restaurant


Post-Dining Engagement

A guest’s relationship with a restaurant doesn’t end with the last bite, it extends beyond the dining experience, encompassing follow-up interactions and long-term engagement.

Post-dining engagement is an essential aspect of building lasting connections, encouraging repeat visits, and fostering loyalty.

Utilizing AI algorithms in this phase enables restaurants to personalize communication, respond to feedback, and design tailored loyalty programs.

In this section, we’ll explore the innovative ways AI enhances post-dining engagement, turning a single visit into the beginning of an ongoing relationship, and making every guest feel like a valued part of the restaurant’s community.

1. Personalized Follow-Up Communications

After dining, guests appreciate acknowledgment and thanks. AI technologies ability to personalize follow-up communications elevates this simple gesture into a meaningful connection.

By analyzing a guest’s dining history and preferences, AI crafts personalized emails or messages, thanking them specifically for what they enjoyed and perhaps offering a special incentive tailored to their tastes.

These communications resonate because they are personal and relevant, making guests feel valued and understood.

2. Intelligent Feedback Collection

Understanding what guests enjoyed and what they didn’t is essential for continuous improvement. AI streamlines this process by crafting intelligent surveys that ask questions relevant to the guest’s specific experience.

Did they enjoy the dish they ordered? Was the service up to their expectations?

AI’s targeted questions yield specific and actionable feedback.

Beyond mere collection, AI can analyze this feedback, pinpointing trends and insights that guide improvements across the entire dining experience.

3. Loyalty Program Integration

Loyalty programs are powerful tools for encouraging repeat visits, and AI brings these programs to life in new ways.

By integrating real-time data from a guest’s visit, AI can immediately update their loyalty status, adding points or rewards based on what they enjoyed. More than just numbers, AI tailors these rewards, offering incentives that resonate with each guest’s unique preferences.

This approach keeps guests engaged and encourages them to return, knowing that the restaurant values and understands them.

4. Social Media Engagement

The conversation continues on social media, where guests often share their experiences.

AI can monitor and engage with these online conversations, acknowledging positive comments and quickly addressing any concerns.

The active engagement builds a positive online reputation and shows guests that the restaurant is attentive and responsive, even after they’ve left the premises.

5. Predictive Re-engagement Strategies

One of AI’s most intriguing capabilities is its ability to predict future behavior.

By analyzing past dining patterns and preferences, AI can foresee when a guest might be ready to dine again. This foresight is not just interesting, it’s actionable.

Restaurants can use these insights to send timely offers, reminders, or incentives, turning predictive knowledge into proactive engagement.

6. Seamless Integration with Future Reservations

Every dining experience is a building block for the next one.

AI remembers and integrates guest preferences and special requests into future reservations. Whether it’s remembering a preferred table, a favorite dish, or even specific dietary requirements during phone calls, AI ensures that each visit builds on the last, deepening the guest’s connection to the restaurant and enhancing their overall experience.

7. Community and Event Engagement

Restaurants often host special events, community activities, or exclusive experiences, and AI can identify which guests might be interested in these offerings.

By connecting guests with events that align with their interests, restaurants foster a sense of community and belonging, turning occasional diners into engaged members of a larger restaurant family.

AI’s influence on post-dining engagement is a transformative force in the modern restaurant industry. It’s about much more than efficiency or automation, it’s about creating meaningful, lasting connections with guests.

By personalizing communications, gathering intelligent feedback, enhancing loyalty programs, engaging on social media, predicting future engagement, integrating experiences, and fostering community, AI turns a meal into a relationship.

Restaurants that embrace this intelligent, responsive approach are setting new standards for engagement and satisfaction, leading the way in an industry where the guest experience is everything.


Restaurant Guests Enjoying AI-powered Messaging


Measuring and Improving Marketing ROI

The success of any marketing strategy lies in its effectiveness and the return on investment (ROI) it generates.

In the competitive restaurant industry, every marketing dollar must work hard to attract and retain guests. AI’s unparalleled analytical capabilities enable restaurants to measure, analyze, and optimize their marketing efforts with precision and agility.

By leveraging real-time data and predictive analytics, they can make informed decisions that align with guest preferences and business goals.

In this section, we will explore how AI contributes to a more nuanced understanding of marketing ROI, allowing for continuous improvement and strategic refinement, thereby ensuring that marketing investments translate into tangible results and stronger guest relationships.

1. Understanding Guest Behavior and Preferences

At the core of any marketing strategy lies a deep understanding of who the guests are and what they want.

AI enables granular analysis of guest behavior and preferences, piecing together data from reservations, POS, feedback, social media, and more.

This 360-degree view allows restaurants to target their marketing efforts more accurately, resonating with potential guests and increasing the likelihood of conversion.

2. Optimizing Marketing Channels and Budget Allocation

Not all marketing channels are created equal. AI helps restaurants identify which channels are most effective for their specific goals, whether it’s social media, email campaigns, influencer marketing, or traditional or digital advertising.

By understanding where marketing dollars have the most impact, AI enables optimal budget allocation, ensuring that resources are spent where they’ll have the greatest effect on ROI.

3. Creating Personalized and Dynamic Marketing Campaigns

AI’s ability to create personalized and dynamic digital marketing campaigns is a game-changer in connecting with potential guests.

By tailoring marketing messages based on individual preferences and behavior, AI ensures that each communication feels relevant and engaging.

This personalization goes beyond static segments, adapting in real-time as guests interact with various channels.

The dynamic approach increases engagement rates, boosting the overall effectiveness of marketing campaigns and enhancing ROI.

4. Predictive Analytics for Future Marketing Strategies

Predicting the future is no longer a fantasy; it’s a reality in the world of AI-driven marketing. Using historical data and complex algorithms, the benefits of AI can forecast future guest behavior, market trends, and campaign performance.

This predictive insight enables restaurants to plan ahead, crafting marketing strategies that align with anticipated needs and opportunities, ensuring that investments are not just reactive but proactive.

Bloom's AI-Powered Restaurant Marketing Platform


5. Real-Time Monitoring and Adjustment

Marketing is an ever-evolving landscape, and what worked yesterday may not work tomorrow.

AI enables real-time monitoring of marketing campaigns, identifying what’s working and what’s not as it happens.

This immediacy allows for on-the-fly adjustments, ensuring that campaigns remain effective and that resources are not wasted on strategies that aren’t resonating.

6. Enhancing Collaboration and Integration Across Teams

Marketing success requires collaboration across various teams within a restaurant, from management to the culinary team to front-of-house staff.

AI facilitates this collaboration by providing integrated insights and tools that everyone can access. This  approach ensures that marketing strategies align with operational capabilities, creating a seamless guest experience that lives up to marketing promises.

7. Measuring and Analyzing Comprehensive ROI Metrics

ROI is not a singular metric but a complex interplay of various factors, from guest acquisition costs to lifetime value to engagement rates.

AI offers a comprehensive analysis of these metrics, breaking down ROI into understandable and actionable insights.

This view enables restaurants to understand not just if their marketing is working, but why, guiding future investments with clarity and confidence.

In the competitive world of restaurant marketing, AI offers a robust and nuanced toolset that transforms how marketing ROI is managed and improved.

By understanding guests on a deeper level, optimizing resources, personalizing campaigns, predicting the future, monitoring in real time, enhancing collaboration, and analyzing ROI with precision, AI turns marketing from a guessing game into a strategic advantage.

The integration of AI into marketing strategies represents more than just technological advancement, it’s a fundamental shift in how restaurants engage with potential guests and measure success.

In an industry where every dollar counts, and every guest matters, AI’s intelligent and responsive approach is not just the future of restaurant marketing, it’s the present reality for those seeking to thrive in today’s complex dining landscape.


Happy woman with thumbs up


Summing It Up: Benefits of Using AI for Restaurants

The restaurant industry is in the midst of a profound transformation that is rapidly evolving, one where technology, specifically AI, is not just a trend but a fundamental shift in how restaurants understand running a restaurant, engage with, and cater to their guests and drive revenue.

From the first impression to the lasting connection, AI is reshaping every aspect of the dining experience in independent restaurants and restaurant chains.

Through the deeper analysis of guest behavior, AI and machine learning helps create targeted and personalized marketing campaigns that speak to individual needs and desires. Within the restaurant, AI enhances the dining experience itself, making it more personalized, efficient, and memorable.

Post-dining engagement becomes more meaningful and lasting, with AI fostering a continuous relationship that turns one-time guests into loyal patrons.

And behind the scenes, AI’s ability to manage and improve marketing ROI ensures that these efforts are not only effective but also financially sound.

However, the impact of AI goes beyond these specific applications. It represents a new way of thinking about the restaurant business, one where data-driven insights, personalized engagement, predictive intelligence, and real-time adaptability are not just possibilities but expectations.

In this new age, understanding and serving the guest is not just about intuition and experience but also about leveraging intelligent technology to deepen and enrich those connections. For restaurant owners, managers, culinary teams, and front-of-house staff, embracing advanced AI is not just a choice but a necessity in a landscape that demands continuous innovation and excellence.

But for the guests, the real winners in this transformation, AI means more than just efficiency and convenience for restaurant operators.

It’s a promise of a dining experience that understands them, caters to them, surprises and delights them, every single time.

Discover Bloom Intelligence

Bloom Intelligence is an AI-powered restaurant marketing platform that includes a powerful customer data platform, automated data collection, automated marketing, and advanced reputation management tools.

Guest data is automatically collected from multiple sources and aggregated into one single platform, making it simple and easy to see guest insights, and automatically identify and build lists or audiences of your regulars, high value guests or even lost guests .

Bloom’s marketing automation allows you to trigger marketing based upon upon your guest type and behavior of your guests across your location, reservations, online ordering and your website.

Combined with automated guest sentiment trends, and using AI to automatically respond to reviews across Yelp, Trip Advisor, Facebook and Google.

Bloom makes guest data collection,, marketing automation, and reputation management effortless, allowing you to focus on providing personalized customer experiences by focusing on running your restaurant.

Ultimately saving you time, increasing customer lifetime values, attracting new guests, improving your reputation, and boosting your bottom line.

To see more of what Bloom can do for your restaurant, schedule a free demo today, or call us at 727-877-8181.



What our happy customers
are saying

“SaaS that covered so many bases for us instead of having to use multiple software products. Bloom Intelligence has simplified our responses to reviews, customer feedback, and more. I highly recommend Bloom Intelligence.”

Robert Sanderson

“Bloom Intelligence really is a step ahead in terms of marketing software and metrics. Their product is reliable, fast and innovative and has helped the company I work for really grow.”

John Marchetti

“Working with Bloom Intelligence has been amazing. They assist you every step of the way and work with you hand in hand to make sure you are optimizing your advertising potential. We are excited to use this tool to help learn more about our customers so that we can personally engage with them and understand our strengths/weaknesses.”

Ariel Ramirez

“In these challenging times, it has been a pleasure working with Bloom Intelligence to help facilitate our service offering to our clients. They were extremely responsive and provided support to mitigate risk and minimize revenue loss. Great partner!”

Stefan Kim

“We’re extremely pleased with the wealth of customer data that we’re able to gather, at a very attractive price.  In addition, we’re able to communicate our new product promotions by using  the landing page as a digital billboard.  A “no-brainer” for anyone working with limited Marketing $$.”

Bob Cross, Vice President of Operations

AI for Restaurants FAQs

What is the best marketing strategy for restaurants?

Of all the restaurant marketing strategies, perhaps the most effective strategy is using a WiFi marketing and analytics platform. It allows you to collect customer contact information, segment your customer list, create targeted, personalized messaging, and remarket to them for maximum results.

What is restaurant remarketing?

Restaurant remarketing is a powerful way to connect with visitors to your website or customers who have logged into your WiFi. It allows you to send targeted advertising, and behavior-driven promotions to those people through online advertising or email marketing. It’s a key marketing concept that should be a primary focus of restaurant owners and marketers.

What is restaurant marketing segmentation?

Restaurant customer segmentation refers to the process of subdividing a customer base into specific groups based on similar demographics, psychographics, and/or various behavior data points. This information can guide restaurant marketing professionals when developing new marketing campaigns for each group or optimizing existing ones to personalize the customer experience online or at their physical locations.

How do you use smart coupons to market a restaurant?

The best and easiest way to implement and maintain a digital smart coupon program is to use a WiFi marketing and analytics platform like Bloom Intelligence. The platform allows you to easily create and send customers a unique, one-time-use code that they can redeem on their next visit. The coupon is stored on their mobile device.

The Power of AI for Restaurants

Optimize restaurant marketing in 2021

Optimize retail &
business operations

Track restaurant marketing in 2021

Track attribution of
customer campaigns

wifi marketing for new customers

Trigger marketing
campaigns based on
marketing presence

how wifi marketing helps

Measure the health
of corporate & franchisee

wifi marketing for coffee shops

Compare locations or
group of locations to
quickly identify opportunities
or threats

Are you ready to grow
your restaurant business?

If so, find out how Bloom’s restaurant marketing platform measures offline guest
behavior and builds guest loyalty.

It’s time to start leveraging your guest WiFi to gain
a competitive edge. Then watch your profits grow.

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