Restaurant Marketing White Papers and Case Studies


In today’s competitive restaurant industry, staying ahead of the curve is essential for attracting and retaining customers. Our collection of white papers and case studies provides you with valuable insights, strategies, and real-world examples to help you make informed decisions and drive your restaurant’s growth.

Whether you’re a seasoned restaurateur or just starting out, these resources offer practical advice and actionable tips to help you navigate the ever-changing restaurant landscape. Dive into our comprehensive collection and gain the knowledge you need to stay competitive, increase profitability, and provide an exceptional dining experience for your customers.


Case Study: Beachside Hospitality Group
Learn how BHG saves 15-20 hours a week on review management, marketing, & data collection.
The Value of a Large, Clean Guest Database
Learn why having a large, clean customer database is essential for driving revenue during tough times!
Restaurant Marketing Attribution
Learn how the application of marketing attribution can help you make much more informed decisions.
Content Marketing for Restaurants
Learn the concepts behind effective, successful, and profitable content marketing for restaurants.
Restaurant Customer Service Recovery
Learn how to turn dissatisfied guests and negative experiences into loyal regulars with customer service recovery.
Grow Your Business with WiFi Marketing
Learn how to leverage the power of guest WiFi to improve your restaurant marketing strategy and increase ROI.
Rocket Restaurant Ratings and Reviews
Learn how to improve your restaurant ratings and reviews, get more reviews, and improve business.
Reduce Customer Churn
Learn how to identify and bring back lost guests or guests at-risk of not returning – and win them back!